Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Thing #8 Wiki

Wiki wiki...My time is running out.
I think wiki's are great. Like an unassigned group doing an unassigned project, in a way.
I contributed very little, I'm ashamed to say, to the wiki.
I do intend to go back and look at how wacki it has become.
My contribution was to the music section but I hope to add more and take more too.

I think the root of wiki's are like my nana used to say, "They mean well."
Generally, I believe people want to have the chance to state their knowledge.
The wiki allows everyone to contribute. Painless on the pocketbook too I might add.
However, as we have seen, they do have the potential to get out of context with the wrong information. Aren't we always supposed to question things anyway though?

I use WikiPedia for quick reference info. Works as a good starting point.

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